Why Authentic Entrepreneurship?

We want to be authentic, but aren't we all essentially so? What does being authentic actually mean? Isn't that just being 'honest'? Doing what you really stand for?

When are you real?

If what you show is really who or how you are. You don't play a role. You do things because you want to do them and not because it is expected of you. Outside influences do not make you deviate from your path. You stay with yourself and automatically become more credible as a result.

Can we attract what our hearts desire, those ideal clients and dream situations, if we find we are not authentic? Can we put together the ideal life, work location independently, find financial freedom if we are not authentic?

Knowing the main reason why we don't attract what we want is crucial.

What does being authentic mean?

In part, being authentic is a choice. You choose to show who you are and walk the path you want. But that, of course, is not the only thing. There are indeed some requirements before you can make this choice.

To live authentically you will need to know who you are and what you want. And you will have to stand up for this, regardless of what others think. Also take responsibility for the choices you make and be the boss in your own life. If you then radiate satisfaction with your own choices to others, you can suddenly become an inspiration to others.

Authenticity requires listening to your deeper wishes and desires and respond to this in the choices you make and the life path you walk. Arranging your life in a way that suits you. And being open and honest about this to yourself and the people around you. But also connecting with the people around you.

Authenticity is also an essential characteristic of charisma; authenticity and charisma go hand in hand. We find someone authentic and charismatic when they come across as 'real' and show their true self, when the personality is visible. But when are you 'yourself' and what does this bring you?

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Happiness and authenticity are closely linked

Authenticity is one of the most important positive traits we can strive for in life to be happy. People who remain themselves are the happiest and have rich and meaningful lives. Living a real life is the basis of a good life. My clients also often report that they are happier in life and happier with themselves now that they are shaping their personal or business path more.

Unfortunately, we don't always realise that we are not being true to our natural selves, that we are wearing a mask and that this has a negative impact on how we feel. It takes courage and willpower to drop your mask, to show both your strengths and weaknesses and express feelings. Standing up for who you are and want to be is not always easy.

The meaning of being authentic and true to yourself

Authentic meaning or authenticity meaning in the free dictionary

How do you spell authentic by the way (lol)?

Online, you can find all kinds of definitions about authenticity. If you type in 'meaning authentic', for example. But what is it effectively from your experience? When are you an authentic person? And what is the opposite of being authentic? And what does being original have to do with it?

The term authentic is a popular one. Much is written and discussed about the meaning of being authentic. The word authentic comes from the Greek word authenticikos, which means acting on one's own authority. Many psychologists approach being authentic and true to yourself as a positive and individual process. This is also how I see it.

According to the British professor Stephen Joseph there are 3 things What authentic people excel at:

  1. they know themselves well
  2. they are in charge of themselves
  3. they are willing to be themselves.
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Authentic Leadership

What are the characteristics of an authentic leader or entrepreneur?

  1. Consciousness
  2. Strong values
  3. Honesty
  4. Accountability
  5. Humility

But you are also authentic as entrepreneurs when you:

  1. does or delivers what you promise
  2. willing to break free from your moral beliefs
  3. attaches importance to the needs of others and helps customers in need
  4. find it more important to be yourself than to be popular;
  5. convinced that everything will be fine as long as you keep telling the truth;
  6. does not lie to get something done from someone;
  7. find it important to be open and honest about your feelings;
  8. never give up

You are authentic when you are true to your inner self, to your moral principles and act in a sincere way. When you take responsibility for your feelings and actions and also do what is really important to you.

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How authentic are you as a leader and what style do you adopt?

Take the free leadership test

What is your authentic self?

There is an idea that you are authentic if you stick to habits; if you don't, you deny your identity and integrity. However, nothing could be further from the truth. We have all grown up with a range of beliefs, many of which conflict with ourselves. Being 'authentic', being true to who you are, then limits your possibilities, it does not strengthen you. In fact, 'authentic self' is about developing your true self.

Want to increase your authenticity and raise your profile?

With our training and advice, you will discover how to effectively influence the image you portray, both offline and online. You strengthen your authenticity, attractiveness and credibility. This reveals your personality and makes you appear more charismatic.

Authentic entrepreneurship

Are you planning to start a business or be self-employed? Exciting! But... maybe you're still in doubt. You find a lot about career coaching but is it what you are looking for? Maybe you saw a career coach job posting pop up and that gave you the idea of getting coaching. But you want to keep it as authentic as possible.

Understandable, as many will dish you standard programmes.

Together with you, we will explore what you as an entrepreneur want to mean in the entrepreneurial landscape, what problem you want to see solved in the world because that is what you yourself 100% stand for. And that is not about what do I want to achieve, but about what do I want to do because I feel in my heart and soul that it needs to be solved.

Even as an experienced entrepreneur, it is not always easy to remain authentic in your business and your life. Sometimes the passion has disappeared because you can no longer be real. The business demands too much of you or your family. Your business is literally growing over your head and you feel you are no longer in tune with your soul's mission. So being able to tune in daily with your life or business coach helps enormously in maintaining that authenticity.