Why Business Coaching

As a business coach, I first ask the question: why does your business exist? Or why do you want to start a business? Apart from the fact that you want to make money?

Why A Business Coach Or Business Coaching?

As a business coach, I first ask the question: why does your business exist?

Or why do you want to start a business? Apart from the fact that you want to make money? Many who have thought about this quickly came to the realisation that the money to be made is the actual reason. And what is the problem with that? There is no problem. But if you allow a business to exist because you want to make money, then you are making things difficult for yourself. And I'll briefly explain why.

A business coach helps create added value

When you run a business, you get into a process of adding value to others. Because people don't just give you their money. They do if you help them get ahead in some way. If you have a value to offer, then people get their money out of paying you to solve their problem, or to show them the way from point A to B, where they want to be in the future.

Money in exchange for added value

People are happy to pay in exchange for added value. And that is what entrepreneurship is about. Getting paid for the value you create. But if you do it purely for the money, you make it difficult for yourself, because money is the by-product of added value. Money is not the added value. The solution and the direction you give is.

business coaching

What frustrations arise when you choose 'money' earlier?

  • why can't we persevere in difficult times?
  • why we don't have enough money?
  • why can't we create abundance?
  • why don't people buy my product or service?
  • why isn't everyone after my product or service?

The art of Adding Value

Business is about the Art of Adding Value and if you do, making money is the by-product. If you don't think deeply about this, sooner or later you will end up in a scenario you are not going to like. Or you're just not going to earn what you want to earn.

business coaching meerwaarde

The role of a good business coach or entrepreneurial coach?

By choosing the experience of a good coach, you say 'YES' to personal development, awareness and impact. Then you really take yourself and your business seriously. You do the entrepreneurship in itself, but you are not alone as many claim. You can invest in an experienced coach (who also runs his own business) and then you save yourself from rock-hard apprenticeships. And you can fully focus on your mission and dream.

Note: entrepreneurship is about awareness. Growing in all areas and learning how to be part of the larger collective. 
A good business coach is more than a sparring partner or motivator. A good business coach guarantees results and helps you grow in 3 stages as you achieve results.

This is why we focus on:
Phase one: you - and your product market fit.
Phase two: you - and your distribution
Phase three: you - the talent and the culture.

If you want to start and grow a profitable business for the long term, you must first learn to control yourself and master the three phases. Starting a profitable business is about learning to juggle 3 "balls" at the same time. That is, being able to keep an eye on these 3 phases at the same time. Would you like an overview of the different modules we offer in phases 1, 2, 3? Take HERE contact.

Difference business coaching and executive coaching

There are different types of business coaching, training and education. Think about executive coaching, executive life coach, corporate coaching, leadership coaching, etc. But what is the big difference between business and executive coaching? In business development, the focus is more on helping business people and corporate leaders. In executive coaching, the focus is more on growth and supporting top leaders within an organisation.

business coaching verschil

How do we proceed as coaches?

With us, you can choose to be guided in your business, or personally, or both.

Now what stage are you in at the moment?

Phase 1: you have a dream - you want to start your own business
Then you choose analysis, building and testing, in 6 steps. We give our clients the option to invest in step-by-step guidance. You can choose a 6-step starter package, or grow step by step. It all depends on the skills you want to learn, how fast you want to grow and how great your insights and confidence are at the moment.

Phase 2: You are a business leader who wants change, addition and optimisation
In phase 2, we look at your distribution insight and system.

Stage 3: You have achieved a success, but now you want to expand and share.
In phase 3, we look at your leadership, the talent around you and the culture of your company or organisation.

Interested in a coach?

Are you an individual, professional, executive or entrepreneur looking for the experience of a good mentor who looks at your business as well as you as a person. Then book here a no-obligation introductory meeting.